Thursday, June 3, 2010

Things That Scare Me #5

Now, I live in the country. That means, no cable-only satellite, no city water-only well, so understandably there are creatures all around. I hear coyotes at night, I see raccoons all the time. But these damn things just freak me out. I don't know if it is the fact that they look like a rat, that they move extremely slow like they are giving you the F-You or what.
Last year, we were cleaning out our shed in the back of the house. This shed has a little entrance for the cats that wonder around. They have a place to keep warm in the winter, cool in the summer and dry when it rains. The whole is small enough that no other creatures should be able to enter. I keep no cat food, etc in this shed for that reason. Well, we were in the shed. On one of the shelves was this huge mound of leaves. I have a crazed cat (Velcro) who loves to collect leaves and bring them into the house. We haven't quite figured what this is about. Well, there is this pile of leaves and I am laughing thinking that crazy cat has been gathering leaves all fall and is putting them on this shelf. He is really going to be upset with me when I sweep them out. As I was brushing off the leaves onto the floor I felt fur. Just then this baby opossum fell to the floor stunned by the light of day. I immediately started screaming BLOODY FREAKIN murder. With all the strength I had, I grabbed my husband by the shoulders and pulled him in front of me so that he was my barrier between me and this horrible creature. I could not stop screaming. My husband kept saying "let go of me so I can get it outta here" and I kept screaming "I can't let go, I can't let go"! I walked to the outside of the shed still clinging to his shoulders and screaming. When I got outside, I realized the new neighbors were sitting at the end of their driveway. These people didn't even move. My husband could have been murdering me in that shed and they would have just carried on with their conversation. I knew I wouldn't like these people when they moved in. I could not get the feeling of that fur off my hands for anything. I had the total heebie jeebies. Horrible little rodents.

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